Sanjeev Trivedi
M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry) M.B.A
Vaastu Ratna, Jyotish Bhushan
anjeev Trivedi
had felt an innate fascination for the mysterious power that ran the
clock of this world so well, even as a child. It was towards end of his
formal studies that he became certain of the power that governed the
affairs on earth. The ancient science of Indian astrology promised to
provide a map of the future.
Further to his post graduate studies in chemistry and
later management the best of education happened during studies
with astrologers of Jaipur in Rajasthan. Being at Gorakhpur in
Uttar Pradesh he distinguished science from the occult; matured his
study with the wisdom of Kashi scholars. Even after doing his
‘vaastu ratna’ and ‘jyotish visharad’ he kept
capturing the essence while interacting with hundreds of astrologers,
palmists, numerologists, tarot readers, occultists and vaastu
specialists during the last three decades. He learned the wisdom to hold his
tongue till truth alone be spoken. Temptation to run on enchanted by
flow of words is a trap for a would-be soothsayer. While there is an
element of art involved as demonstrated by the following story, the
essence of fortune-telling rests upon scientific calculations.
The young son of a court
priest having graduated in the art of Jyotish from Kashi was challenged
by the king of his native land to predict what he held in his fist. The
king was pleased when the Pandit calculated the object to be metallic,
circular and with a round hole. Before he could open his fist to
display the golden ring he was holding, the young inexperienced Pandit
became a laughing stock by pronouncing the object to be a Chhakki
The calculations have to be perfected but while
communicating the facts, their suitability to contemporary reality
constitutes the art part of prediction. Experience gained over three
decades helps Sanjeev Trivedi to sieve through the many
possibilities and narrow down to the relevant ones. This ability helped
him to fine-tune his professional career for a smooth upward curve
while balancing it with a happy family life. A genuine desire to help
earned him a large constellation of friends, many of whom seek his
counsel and guidance in times of need. It was such a friend,
overwhelmed by the accuracy of his predictions who conferred him
the title -- Ath Uvaach (Thus Spake He). And whenever he speaks, haze of incertitude yields to the ray of truth.